Variable AsyncUtilsConst

AsyncUtils: {
    allSettled: (<A>(collection: A) => Promise<{
        -readonly [K in keyof A]: SettleResult<Awaited<A[K]>>
    any: (<T>(iterable: Iterable<Promise<T>, any, any>) => Promise<T>);
    filter: (<T>(collection: T[], predicate: AsyncFunction<[T, any, any], boolean>) => Promise<T[]>);
    LazyPromise: typeof LazyPromise;
    map: {
        <T>(collection: T): Promise<Tuple<T>>;
        <T, R>(collection: ArrayLike<T>, iteratee?: ArrayIteratee<T, Promise<R>>): Promise<R[]>;
        <T, R>(collection: Record<string, T>, iteratee?: RecordIteratee<T, Promise<R>>): Promise<R[]>;
        (collection: any, iteratee?: any): Promise<any[]>;
    timeout: (<T>(executor: PromiseExecutor<T>, timeout?: number) => Promise<T>);
} = ...


Type declaration

  • allSettled: (<A>(collection: A) => Promise<{
        -readonly [K in keyof A]: SettleResult<Awaited<A[K]>>
      • <A>(collection): Promise<{
            -readonly [K in keyof A]: SettleResult<Awaited<A[K]>>
      • Promise.allSettled() implementation

        Type Parameters

        • A extends [] | readonly unknown[]


        • collection: A

        Returns Promise<{
            -readonly [K in keyof A]: SettleResult<Awaited<A[K]>>

        Theo Sun


  • any: (<T>(iterable: Iterable<Promise<T>, any, any>) => Promise<T>)
      • <T>(iterable): Promise<T>
      • Promise.any implementation

        just ref the MDN document

        Promise.any() takes an iterable of Promise objects and, as soon as one of the promises in the iterable fulfils, returns a single promise that resolves with the value from that promise. If no promises in the iterable fulfil (if all of the given promises are rejected), then throw the array of errors

        Type Parameters

        • T


        • iterable: Iterable<Promise<T>, any, any>

        Returns Promise<T>


        Error list

  • filter: (<T>(collection: T[], predicate: AsyncFunction<[T, any, any], boolean>) => Promise<T[]>)
      • <T>(collection, predicate): Promise<T[]>
      • AsyncUtils.filter, filter values by async predicate function

        Type Parameters

        • T extends unknown


        • collection: T[]
        • predicate: AsyncFunction<[T, any, any], boolean>

          async predicate

        Returns Promise<T[]>

        Theo Sun


  • LazyPromise: typeof LazyPromise
  • map: {
        <T>(collection: T): Promise<Tuple<T>>;
        <T, R>(collection: ArrayLike<T>, iteratee?: ArrayIteratee<T, Promise<R>>): Promise<R[]>;
        <T, R>(collection: Record<string, T>, iteratee?: RecordIteratee<T, Promise<R>>): Promise<R[]>;
        (collection: any, iteratee?: any): Promise<any[]>;
      • <T>(collection): Promise<Tuple<T>>
      •, mapping values with async iteratee functions

        Type Parameters

        • T extends any[] | []


        • collection: T

        Returns Promise<Tuple<T>>

        Theo Sun


      • <T, R>(collection, iteratee?): Promise<R[]>
      • Type Parameters

        • T
        • R = any


        • collection: ArrayLike<T>
        • Optionaliteratee: ArrayIteratee<T, Promise<R>>

        Returns Promise<R[]>

      • <T, R>(collection, iteratee?): Promise<R[]>
      • Type Parameters

        • T
        • R = any


        • collection: Record<string, T>
        • Optionaliteratee: RecordIteratee<T, Promise<R>>

        Returns Promise<R[]>

      • (collection, iteratee?): Promise<any[]>
      • Parameters

        • collection: any
        • Optionaliteratee: any

        Returns Promise<any[]>

  • timeout: (<T>(executor: PromiseExecutor<T>, timeout?: number) => Promise<T>)
      • <T>(executor, timeout?): Promise<T>
      • create a promise with timeout, if time is up but no result/error resolved by promise, will throw an error

        Type Parameters

        • T


        • executor: PromiseExecutor<T>

          the promise executor

        • timeout: number = ...

          the timeout in milliseconds, e.g. 10000 means 10 seconds, and default value is 60 seconds

        Returns Promise<T>

